Why we are Green
We believe that the Earth is our mother, the source of all
life; that we are interconnected with all other life on the planet.
We humans share common ansestry with other creatures and must live in harmony
with, in stead of domion over, other life on the planet. We should treat
the Earth like our mother, cherish and protect her, preserve her natural beauty
for all future generations.
Air Polution The Largest Single Issue We Face Right
Now.... and it is tied to water and land pollution - CO2 emissions will top 40
Billion tons this year. This is the cause of global climate change.
Global Warming Is A Reality and it is caused by
human activity.
active & aggressive in reducing our carbon footprint on the Earth.
We must be in balance with the
rhythms of nature. A green company is one that lives in harmony with all
the inhabitants of the Earth. Humans are part of this world, not outside
of it not above it. Our modern economic system is based on a misguided philosophy
and will by it's nature colapse. Global warming and the destruction of a
habitable biosphere by mankind is a reality. Only those who are paid by large corporate
fossil fuel interests say otherwise. The
changes that are taking place on the planet should be obvious even to the most
obtuse observer. Therefore, we are trying to be as energy
independent as possible. We will to do our part in this fight to eliminate
fossil fuel burning especially for transportation, electrical generation and
You can be the change yourself. Make up your mind that you will be green
and start the process.
How We Are Green
We get 100% of our power from Wind and Solar - both non-polluting clean
energy sources

https://ethicalelectric.com/referral/go/ThriveStation.com and we donate a
portion of all our income to environmental awareness and political action on
these issues.
We use 100% recycled paper when we must print.
Our Printers use 100% recycled cartrages, which we load ourselves.